“When I watch something on my laptop or something happened to me… I want to share it with my husband, but he says ‘I don’t care.” That isolated feeling. No one to share it with. For example, I was watching this funny YouTube video and tried to show it to him. Well, so what if […]
-- 4 Boundaries in Husband’s Female Friendships
-- Listen to your Maternal and Wifely Instinct
-- To Forgive and Forget is a Harmful Advice
-- Infidelity Effect: Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome
-- How to cope with infidelity flashbacks
-- The affair story : Do you need to know the details about it?
-- Is My Marriage Worth Fighting For After He Cheated On Me?
-- Emotionally dependent: Do you love your husband more than yourself?
-- Emotionally dependent: Do you love your husband more than yourself?
-- Common experiences of emotionally abused Filipina Wives
-- Silent Treatment in Marriage
-- Should You Stay In a Toxic Marriage for the Kids?
-- Law Protecting Women and their Children Against Partner Abuse
-- Signs Of An Emotionally and Verbally Abusive Relationship
-- Why Your Husband Fights, Walks Out, or Ignores You When Confronted?
-- Hurt and Angry at Husband: How to Let Him Know?
-- Two Types of Marital Problems
-- How to Deal with Unsolvable Marital Problems
-- Know each other’s love languages
-- Deepen your Intimacy: 5 Levels of Intimate Communication
-- REFLECTION: The Pimple Mark Syndrome in Marriage
-- REFLECTION: Confiding to your spouse
-- Love Map: Know your partner inside out
-- Learn the Secrets of a Fascinating Wife
-- REFLECTION: Know Each Other’s Love Languages
-- REFLECTION: Admire your man, it’s good for your marriage
-- REFLECTION: How To Change Your Man
-- REFLECTION: Complacency -- One Major Marriage Enemy
-- REFLECTION: On Being Boyfriend-Girlfriend Forever
-- REFLECTION: I’m a wife first, a mom second
-- Emotionally Distant Husband
-- 6 Common Experiences of Filipina Breadwinner Wives
-- Wife’s Brothers are Dependent on us
-- “Husband not interested on what I share”
-- The frustrated wife and the unresponsive husband
-- Wife and Husband Have Different Financial Goals
-- “How can I help my husband change his ways?”
-- “My dream career or my husband?”
The affair story : Do you need to know the details about it?
Discovering that your spouse had an affair can be shocking and traumatizing. At the onset of revelation, you’re probably beginning to question your beliefs about who you are, who your partner is, and the foundation of your marriage. This will be a one big emotional roller coaster ride for you where your thoughts and emotions […]
Marriage Counseling Philippines
Are you in need of Marriage Counseling? Maybe you’re so confused and lost right now. You don’t understand the way your spouse is treating you and the way they are behaving in your relationship. Maybe you’re emotionally drained, tired, and troubled, but you have difficulty sharing your struggles with your loved ones and trusted friends […]
Deepen your Intimacy: 5 Levels of Intimate Communication
Why do some marriages thrive and why do others just merely survive? One answer could be on the communication levels with which married couples would consistently communicate with each other. A John Powell, the author of the book Why I am Afraid to Tell You Who I Am, discussed the 5 levels of intimate communication. […]
How to Deal with Unsolvable Marital Problems
She wants to save for the future; he wants to spend to enjoy himself. She wants her home tidy and orderly; he wants to be carefree about his things. She wants to pursue further study; he wants to partner with her in the business. These are just some opposing life goals and dreams among couples, […]
Signs Of An Emotionally and Verbally Abusive Relationship
Do you feel desperate and helpless in your marriage? Do you think something is not right in your relationship but you couldn’t quite put your fingers on it? Do you find yourself in a predictive cycle of sweet harmony followed by emotional chaos? If you suspect that you are receiving emotional and psychological abuse […]
General Tips To a Happy Marriage For Single and Married Women
My married life isn’t perfect. I’m not a perfect spouse and neither my husband. Like any other marriage, ours has its own share of ups and downs, fun and boring moments, angry and loving events. Yet despite this imperfection, I consider myself a happily married woman, well… I just don’t know if my husband shares […]
6 Common Experiences of Filipina Breadwinner Wives
Last semester, our group – Bing, Von, and I – studied the common experiences shared by Filipina breadwinner wives as part of our course requirements in Advance Personality Psychology. We interviewed 12 women about how they experience this breadwinning role and its effects on their sense of individuality, marriage and family relationships. One of the […]
4 Reasons Why Men Cheat
When a husband cheated, one of the questions that a wife will ask is “WHY?” They want to understand and make sense how infidelity ever happened in their married life. The why question sometimes branches into something like “how could my husband, my best friend, do this to me?” “Do I have shortcomings in our […]
Love Map: Know your partner inside out
Before I begin this post, let me first ask you a few questions about how well you know your husband. What are your husband’s painful and happy childhood memories? What are the things that make him happy or stressed right now? What are his dreams and aspirations for the future? The first question is about […]