“One thing was certain: Savannah had walked in the door ready for an argument. Her answers had come too quickly, and I realized that they seemed less spontaneous than rehearsed, as if her own anger had been simmering most of the day. She’d known exactly how I would be acting, and though I might have deserved her anger based on the way I’d acted last night, the fact that she hadn’t appeared to care about her own culpability or my feelings gnawed at me for most of the afternoon……
…….. Returning, I wondered whether the door would be locked, but the knob turned freely when I tried. The bedroom door was halfway closed, light spilled down the hallway, and I debated whether to approach or stay in the living room. I didn’t want to face her anger, but I took a deep breath and made my way down the short hallway.”
He didn’t want to face her anger. I wonder if this is also the reason why Melbert, for the first time, has walked out on me. I was so furious the minute he walked out of the door, unwilling to talk to me, or shall I say, to argue with me.
Instantly recalling about John’s walk out scene in the story, and seeking to understand my husband and men generally, my experience with this has made me delved on why men walk out or hang up the phone in order to avoid an argument. And here are some of the reasons that I found out:
1. They know they can never say the right thing or “be right”. That is why they might as well give up.
2. They don’t want to say things they will regret later.
3. Most men are raised not to show their emotions or not to let them get in the way.
4. Sometimes they just don’t want to get into a petty fights, because women are good in making a big deal out of nothing.
5. They get flustered and pressured.
All theses reasons only conclude that men are really not good in arguments. So to my fellow ladies, if this should happen to you, analyze your situation first. If your reason for fighting is something petty, then freely drop the issue. However, if that one is important enough that you can’t skip it, then try to calm down and compose yourself first. Once you think the fury is already gone and you can talk gently and calmly to your partner, then initiate the talking in a loving way. That way, you will be able to resolve an important issue through an open communication.
Have a happy marriage! =)
nice point you have there sis…Mom Blog and
Super Social WAHM
hmm.. me and the hubby, we stay away from each other when there’s something going on. we usually give each other some space to think things over and most of the time, nagwwork naman this method. plus the fact na we don’t want the kids to see na nag-aaway kami but when we were younger (no kids).. aba, different story yun. lol 🙂
very well said 🙂
Hay …. I get those e … I just really didn’t have the right guy with me … oh well … sana if there will be a next one (though it is doubtful as I am now 31 and almost 2 years single again) I will remember this.